Q: How long does my hair have to be to wax?
A: To get the very best result your hair should be a 1/4 of an inch, which is about the length of a grain of rice or longer.
Q: I can't seem to reach anyone when I call the business number. How will I book a reservation?
A: Due to our popularity, we are not always available via voice communication. It is recommended that our guests book all of their reservations online. All reservations booked result in an automated email sent to the email address provided by the guest at the time the profile is built. If you still have unanswered questions, check our Studio Policies or send us an email.
Q: Why do I have to enter my credit card information to book a reservation?
A: All of our guests are required to keep a valid credit card on file if they wish to receive our services. 1. Our Estheticians are not compensated hourly and we respect their time as much as we respect our guests' time, 2. We have a 24 hour cancellation policy (see Studio Policies for details) - to name a few.
Q: How long will my service take?
A: Depending on the length of the hair, the age of the root, the consistency/frequency of the guests' visits, etc., MOST services take less than 15 minutes; even bikini services, although we allow for more time if necessary.
Q: What kind of wax do you use?
A: We use a high quality, professional grade, non-sticky, hypoallergenic HARD WAX to remove coarse hair on all areas of the face and body and a professional grade, non-sticky SOFT WAX for baby fine hair. If you prefer one or the other let us know!
Q: What is the difference between a BIKINI LINE, a MODIFIED BRAZILIAN, and a BRAZILIAN?
A: A BIKINI LINE is the removal of the bikini zone hair that is visible on the outside of a bikini bottom. A MODIFIED BRAZILIAN is the removal of as little or as much of the front of the bikini zone hair, without the removal of the butt strip hair. A BRAZILIAN is the same as a modified Brazilian, except it includes the hair removal of the butt strip.
Q: This is my first time waxing. Is there anything I need to do before I come in?
A: No. As long as the hair is at least the length of a grain of rice and your skin is healthy, you can leave the rest of the work to us. DO NOT TRIM! If your hair is longer than a grain of rice just leave it as is.
Q: Do you wax Coarse Hair/Straight Hair/Curly Hair/My Hair/Etc.?
A: Yes. We wax all hair types, and have clients from all over the world. We wax people of all gender, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, or disability, and all that jazz.
Q: Does waxing hurt? If so, how much?
A: As you may know, waxing is the removal of the hair by the root. Anytime you disconnect a root from a nerve, there will be some discomfort involved. Everyone's pain threshold is a little different; some higher, some lower. Luckily, you are in great hands. Our Licensed Estheticians are friendly, knowledgeable, quick, and most of all EXPERIENCED. We will have you in and out with as little pain as possible. It isn't the length of the hair that hurts; it's the age of the root.
Q: Should I use a numbing cream or take a pain killer/muscle relaxer before getting waxed?
A: We are Estheticians, not doctors. We will never recommend that you medicate or intoxicate yourself in any way before receiving our service(s). We do offer topical numbing, which is called Pre Brazilian Wax NUMB. If you would like to numb at home, prior to your appointment, we ask that you fully remove all traces of cream from skin to ensure the wax will adhere to the hair for optimal removal and/or results.
Q: I'm on my period. Can I still get waxed?
A: Yes. We do not mind waxing a women on her period. For the safety of all of our guests and our Estheticians, the only requirement we have is that the menstruating guest be using a tampon during the entire service.
Q: I'm pregnant. Can I still get waxed?
A: Absolutely. We have been waxing expectant mothers for years. Many women wax in preparation for the birth of their babies, which is much better than being shaved by the doctor! As long as you're comfortable and able we can wax you.
Q: When shouldn't I wax?
A: You should not wax if you are on Retin A, Renova, Accutane or any other skin- thinning product that is designed to clear the skin from acne taken topically or orally. Read the ingredients on your moisturizer almost all moisturizers for oily skin contains some product for acne. Please refrain from using your moisturizer at least 24 hours prior to your service. You also shouldn’t wax if you have a systemic disease or if you are sunburned.
Q: Is it okay for my friend to be in the treatment room with me while I'm getting waxed?
A: We're sorry, but due to liability reasons, there are only 2 adults over the age of 18 years old allowed in the room while a service is in session; the GUEST and the ESTHETICIAN rendering the service. If you are a minor child under the age of 18 years old, you may have your parent or guardian present in the treatment room during the service. Please, as much as we love children, we ask that all of our guests either bring a sitter with them so that their children may be supervised during a service outside of the treatment room, or leave the kiddies at home.
Q: How often should I get waxed?
A: While everyone's hair growth varies, we typically recommend waxing any area of the face every 2-3 weeks, the legs and arms every 2-3 weeks, and all bikini services every 3-4 weeks. It is not recommended to wait longer than these durations due to the growth patterns of the hair and the increased discomfort caused by the removal of older roots. It isn't the length of the hair that hurts; it's the age of the root.
Q: What do I do to prevent ingrown hairs and what after-care maintenance should I stick to?
A: There are many factors that contribute to the growth of pesky ingrown hairs. Keeping your skin clean, healthy, toned, and exfoliated will be keys to the prevention of ingrown hairs. When exfoliating your skin 2-3 times per week, do not use a scrub on any other area of your body, except your legs, where the skin is tougher and can hold up against them. On all other areas of the face and body, use a gentle enzyme exfoliant to remove dead skin. Keep in mind that any time you scrub the surface of your skin, you are sending signals to the lower layers of your skin asking for the production of more oil - hence a "breakout". Always remember to use a natural skin toner (e.g. alcohol-free Witch Hazel) after your daily cleansing routine to keep the area PH balanced.